Can regular daily prospecting for new business improve sales?
Texas Business Leads was started after years of observing Sales Reps. Years of observing successful sales reps has repeatedly proven this concept. The more leads you contact, the more your business will grow.
“the foundational root of all success in sales is a fanatical focus on prospecting,”
― Jeb Blount
Successful sales reps grow their business by constantly prospecting for new business every day.
Failing sales reps only start to prospect when they have no one left to contact. Failing sales reps scramble after every sale to find the next “possible” sale. They worry about meeting the goals of their job, making their monthly payments, and keeping their job.
Texas Business Leads is a 25-year company that specializes in developing weekly new Texas business to business leads for its clients every Monday morning before noon. New names… new phone numbers.
Including new businesses, expanding businesses, or out of state businesses starting operations in Texas.
Our weekly reports are customized to each client’s market. Every report is sorted to our clients specific prospecting strategy. New reports are delivered by email in Excel, Word, or CSV format every Monday morning by noon.
Dan Eckert, Texas Business Leads founder, developed this unique weekly new business leads concept in 1997 after a 26-year career as an HR Professional observing successful and failing sales reps. Dan repeatedly observed the successful sales pros added new client prospecting into their daily routine.
Unsuccessful sales reps did little to no regular prospecting. When they completed a sale, they scrambled to find the next prospect. And had to rebuild a new prospects funnel. They worried about their sales goals, about making their regular monthly payments and keep their job.
Providing prospecting training and keeping the struggling sales reps supplied with a regular and reliable source of new business leads very often turned them into much more successful sales representatives.
Over more than 25 years, Texas Business Leads has developed the new Texas leads process and reports to present them as usable documents when received by clients. Texas Business Leads provides all the information needed to make a productive prospecting call with each lead.
The global pandemic puts a new set of pressures on sales reps. The key to success is efficiency and finely targeted efforts in a much tighter target market. Let Texas Business Leads be your key to opening new opportunities in the constantly changing, challenging demands of today’s sales opportunies.
“The one thing I’ve personally learned is you’ve got to get ahead of the curve, don’t try to deny it or put your head in the sand, and wish for the best. These are the times when a culture and an organization gets tested.” (source)
―Kelly Frederickson – CEO of MullenLowe
Fresh and New Texas Business Leads are used by successful sales reps, sales managers, business development managers and outbound sales call centers throughout the country when developing their Texas business.
We offer a free sample of our latest leads report. Get your sample today!
Successful Clients

Home Advisor
Home Advisor the personal service referral program, is using Fresh and New Texas Business Leads to develop their approved Texas contractor referral network. In addition, they are expanding to small business services for the small and medium size contractor.

Money Mailer – Dallas
Money Mailer has been a client with Fresh and New Texas Business Leads for 17 years. Fresh and New Texas Business Leads provides a weekly customized business list of 50 zip codes in it’s franchise territory in North Dallas. With this customized list Money Mailer receives only the new and expanding retail businesses and services in their franchise.

ASG Security-Texas
ASG in Texas receives weekly new business lists for four major markets in Texas. Fresh and New Texas Business Leads formats these weekly lists for the ASG auto-dialer software. With this customized list ASG can auto-dial to 14 area codes from a central location.

Direct TV
The California sales office uses Fresh and New Texas Business Leads custom reports for the weekly State Hospitality Report. This report provides the latest listings of new restaurants, bars, hotels, in Texas. Direct TV also uses a highly customized list of 6 specific NAICS industries.

Zig Ziglar Training Network
Contacted by Executive Management in Zig Ziglar Training Network to develop regular relevant lists of new business owners as their prime resource for contacting and prospecting motivated attendees for their Texas seminars. Fresh and New Texas Business Leads provided company name, address, contact information and owner’s name for the newest Texas businesses and fulfilled their attendance quotas for series of new business start up seminars.

Sam’s Warehouse Texas Regional
Every Sam’s Warehouse store has an in-house telemarket desk to contact new local businesses and encourage them to utilize the local Sam’s Warehouse for their office and business supplies. Fresh and New Texas Business Leads produces custom lists for each local store through out the DFW area, presenting productive new business list for each local store.

ADT / Tyco Integrated Security
In the highly competitive security / monitoring business, the first contact is often the best practice. ADT, the nations largest commercial security provider utilizes Fresh and New Texas Business Leads for prospecting the entire state of Texas every Monday. Fresh and New Texas Business Leads has the earliest new business leads in Texas and has helped ADT maintain their leading role in the Texas market.

Telephone Directory of Texas
North East Texas is made up of dozens of small towns a long way from the major Texas markets and covers many Texas counties and area codes.. When a small phone directory company needed to find new advertisers in this small market, they came to Fresh and New Texas Business Leads to develop a custom sort for their specific locations. The custom sort of 100 NE Texas zip codes generates 50 to 75 new Texas business leads every Monday in their market. The Telephone Directory of Texas business developers use this new sort every Monday for 3 years to grow their business and stay ahead of their competition.

Accutrend Data
Accutrend is a premier provider of high performance data that enables its clients to consistently connect with business-building prospects.