4 Ways to Keep a Sales Funnel Full

“I have enough leads.” – Words that have never been spoken by any business. Lead generation is a crucial part of any business. However, it can be difficult to master keeping your sales funnel full all the time. There are a number of ways to fill that funnel, and you may already be working some of them. If your sales funnel is starting to diminish, it may be time to explore some avenues in filling it that you haven’t yet.

4 Ways to Keep a Sales Funnel Full


This is one of the more popular ways of keeping a sales funnel full because typically it costs you very little. Going out and mingling with people or attending events with your target audience is a great way to generate leads and it is very cost effective.


If you satisfy one customer, it can lead to a few more. It is a good motivator to do the best possible job. However, if your referral rate is low, but your customers are generally very satisfied, you may want to look into ways to provide more incentive to refer such as discounts or other rewards.

E-mail Marketing

This avenue is a little more tricky. If your e-mail marketing is too direct or too frequent, it can serve to only put off potential customers from your business. However, e-mail marketing done right can be a huge boon for your sales funnel. It keeps you business regularly in a customer’s mind and can provide them great value.

Social Media

Generating leads through social media in this day and age is an art form. It is why there are whole careers dedicated to managing a company’s social media presence. While it can be a slow initial trickle into your sales funnel, active and interesting social media pages can pay big dividends as the pages and your business grow. While this presence used to be optional, it is a must for any modern day business.

While exploring all the above can be a good way to keep that sales funnel full, even the best businesses need a little help with lead generation sometimes. Contact us today to see what Texas Business Leads can do to help.