5 Ways to Build Trust When You’re Making Cold Calls

How many times has a prospect told you that they’ve never heard of your company? That’s something you may run into when you’re a sales person making cold calls. However, you can build trust with leads over the phone in 3 minutes or less. Here are 5 points to keep in mind.

5 Ways to Build Trust When You're Making Cold Calls

Polish Your Elevator Pitch:

Start off on the right foot. Tell your prospect why you’re calling instead of asking them how their day is going. Your opening has to spark their interest, so they’ll want to keep talking. At the same time, avoid sounding too scripted.

Express Genuine Concern:

Keep in mind that helping is part of selling. Your prospects will be more receptive if you focus on their needs and listen attentively. Beware of asking for too much too soon. Be patient with customers who need a longer buying cycle. That extra time is an opportunity to educate them and cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship.

Focus on Results:

What kind of facts and data do you have available to establish your credibility? Be prepared to call their attention to glowing testimonials posted on your website or case studies that resonate with their priorities. Quantify your relevant experience, like the number of years you’ve been operating and the number of customers you’ve served.

Offer a Free Sample:

There’s a lot of truth in the old saying that showing beats telling. If possible, find a way to share a free sample of your products or services. Post a demo on your website, so your leads can see for themselves what they’ll be getting.

Guarantee Satisfaction:

Money back guarantees are a very effective tool. It’s always easier to trust someone when they’re willing to remove the risk.

With careful planning and confidence, you can succeed at cold calls, especially when your able to build trust and keep your sales funnel full of fresh leads. Contact us today at Texas Business Leads for a free sample.